Archive | September 22, 2016

Exercise Pays Off – Arthritis and Fibro Pain


Step up to Relieve Fibro Pain

lone_jogger (2)Taking more steps each day may help reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia and improve overall health, according to a 2014 study in Arthritis Care & Research. Investigators followed 199 adults with fibromyalgia wearing an accelerometer, which tracked their step count, for 12 weeks. Those who increased their steps the most over the three-month period also had the most significant reduction in fibromyalgia symptoms. Exercise like walking increases the release of endorphin like chemicals in the blood and activates brain regions that dampen pain while reducing depression, says study author Dennis C. Ang. a rheumatologist at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Using a pedometer or activity monitor to track your steps can help you slowly increase activity.

Be a Fit Role Model

Whether you have arthritis or your spouse does, being physically active can help you both. Research from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that if one spouse exercises regularly, the other is significantly more likely to do the same. The findings were presented at the American Heart Association’s EPI/Lifestyle 2015 Scientific Sessions. Researchers looked at the records of 15,792 middle-age adults and asked 3,261 couples about their physical activity levels.








4 Super-foods that KO Arthritis Pain in a Flash

It’s well understood that your diet plays a crucial role in your arthritis pain. While the same foods that give you a trim waist and clear arteries will likely relieve your pain, a few foods stand head and shoulders above the rest. Add these 4 pain-fighting super-foods to your diet and you’ll probably feel a difference a few minutes after your last bite.

– Blueberries

Blueberries are overflowing with nutrients that KO arthritis pain. Yummy blueberries are especially rich in crucial compounds called antioxidants. Antioxidants are your body’s bodyguards that protect your joints from damage. If you don’t get enough of them, expect epic arthritis flare-ups to take hold.

In fact, a USDA commissioned study found that wild blueberries have more antioxidants than any other food on planet Earth! Research at the University of Prince Edward Island recently found that eating blueberries significantly reduced arthritis pain.

– Green Tea

If you have arthritis, there’s an acronym that should be part of your vocabulary: EGCG. EGCG is the insanely beneficial compound found only in green tea that fights everything from cancer to cavities.

Used for centuries as a pain reliever in China, green tea is earning the notice of University researchers in the West. A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that EGCG drops inflammation and relieves pain in people with severe arthritis.

– Broccoli

If you’re like most people, your mother made you down this bitter green cruciferous veggie as a kid. If you followed to her advice into adulthood, you may not have arthritis today. Scientists at the University of East Anglia recently figured out why broccoli helps people with osteoarthritis –by far, the most common arthritis type.

They found that broccoli (and only broccoli) contains a funny sounding nutrient called sulforaphane. Sulforaphane presses the “OFF” button on enzymes that destroy vulnerable joints and cartridge.

– Kidney Beans

In terms of arthritis pain, kidney beans have a lot going for them. First, it’s got almost as much antioxidants per ounce as blueberries. Also, they’re one of the few carbohydrate sources known as “slow carbs.” Slow carbs are digested and absorbed slowly –unlike white bread, potatoes, and soda. Studies show that replacing rapidly digesting carbs with slow carbs relieves arthritis pain. Last (but not least), kidney beans are bursting with soluble fiber. Soluble fiber fights appetite and accelerates the weight loss results you get from dieting.

Eating these 4 foods may help you feel a bit better –but they’re not nearly enough to completely reverse arthritis. Click Here to Learn More











Giveaway: Happy Birthday gift From Angel Eyes to you! — Katzenworld

In honor of my Birthday and a thank you for being my friend I want to give you a chance to win a birthday gift. But first I’m going to share my story with you. I was born in Chicago on September 24, 2013. I came to Live with my mom and dad in December […]

via Giveaway: Happy Birthday gift From Angel Eyes to you! — Katzenworld